1. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from, how old are you, what are you doing for a living?
30 in april 2009 , UK devon , i currently work nights in a petrol station
2. Please list your playtimes below (in-game time), be specific (e.g. Monday: 18:00 to 02:00, etc.). Do you expect those playtimes to change within the next 4-6 months?
Monday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Tuesday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Wednesday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Thursday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Friday All Day No Work
Saturday All Day No Work
Sunday Untill 24:00 Server Time
3. Since when are you playing WoW? What is the /played time on your character(s)? Long I been playing scince the Beta but sold my old account to a friend. 59 days on this char though
4. What is your prior guild history? What is your current guild, if any? Be detailed please, explain reasons for leaving. i was in spite untill the guild leaders gave up and am currently in reckless which are now also not rading anymore, i was also in one of the biggest guilds on my old account on the jadenar server for about 2 years
5. What is your past raid experience in WoW?
6. Introduce your character, please include class, level, race, talent spec.
Fazza 80 Troll Mage (Frost Specced) with 4 pieces of the Valorous Set.
7. Submit a link to your character profile below, armory one works fine). Try to make sure it contains the gear you'd use for PvE, or tell us something about your PvE gear in case we can't see it on armory.
Fazza On Spinebreaker
8. Please explain your talent spec to us. If you're currently specced for PvP, please post a link to the spec you will chose for PvE, and explain that as well.
ive just started collecting PvP gear i dont normally do any pvp apart from wintergrasp Atm so am collecting gear for that
9. Please explain your vision on what your class should do in a raid. Dps my Bollocks off
10. What kind of resist gear do you have, for different resist types? Please list your unbuffed resists, in your respective resist gear.
I think i got about 300 resist but like i said i dont normally do PvP
11. Which tradeskills and gathering professions do you have at 350+? Do you have any rare recipes, tradeskill-related factions?
Tailoring(450) Skinning(450) i buy any recipies i dont already have anythime i see them and i have all the faction recipes from the litch King
12. If you have or had any other characters at level 70, please introduce them briefly, and give us a short history.
i got a 73 Huntard which im leveling to 80 atm
13. Why do you want to join Icicle?
I wanna Raid with a guild that knows what they are doing
14. Who do you know in Icicle, how do you know them?
15. Do you accept and follow all of our rules?
sure do
16. Are you willing and able to read and use our forums, as we require?
17. How is your latency on Spinebreaker? Do you ever lag or disconnect? Do you ever get crashes?
39ping i have a killer NIC card £200 keeps the pings low
18. How much control do you have over your playtimes? Can you sometimes stay up late? Can you arrange your dinner and other obligations before our raid times? Can you raid without interruptions?
if theres a raid dinner can wiat
19. Are you willing - and have the time to - to farm faction, resist gear and consumables as needed for our raids, outside our raiding times?
thats what i do
20. Do you have anything else to add to your apply?
Give me a chance and im sure you'll be happy i always help out the guild members with stuff and if i say im gonna be at a raid then i'll be there.
my pc is nice too
core i7(920)
12 gig ram 1800mhz
nvidia GTX 295
600 gig of raptors
24" montor
30 in april 2009 , UK devon , i currently work nights in a petrol station
2. Please list your playtimes below (in-game time), be specific (e.g. Monday: 18:00 to 02:00, etc.). Do you expect those playtimes to change within the next 4-6 months?
Monday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Tuesday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Wednesday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Thursday Untill 24:00 Server Time
Friday All Day No Work
Saturday All Day No Work
Sunday Untill 24:00 Server Time
3. Since when are you playing WoW? What is the /played time on your character(s)? Long I been playing scince the Beta but sold my old account to a friend. 59 days on this char though
4. What is your prior guild history? What is your current guild, if any? Be detailed please, explain reasons for leaving. i was in spite untill the guild leaders gave up and am currently in reckless which are now also not rading anymore, i was also in one of the biggest guilds on my old account on the jadenar server for about 2 years
5. What is your past raid experience in WoW?
6. Introduce your character, please include class, level, race, talent spec.
Fazza 80 Troll Mage (Frost Specced) with 4 pieces of the Valorous Set.
7. Submit a link to your character profile below, armory one works fine). Try to make sure it contains the gear you'd use for PvE, or tell us something about your PvE gear in case we can't see it on armory.
Fazza On Spinebreaker
8. Please explain your talent spec to us. If you're currently specced for PvP, please post a link to the spec you will chose for PvE, and explain that as well.
ive just started collecting PvP gear i dont normally do any pvp apart from wintergrasp Atm so am collecting gear for that
9. Please explain your vision on what your class should do in a raid. Dps my Bollocks off
10. What kind of resist gear do you have, for different resist types? Please list your unbuffed resists, in your respective resist gear.
I think i got about 300 resist but like i said i dont normally do PvP
11. Which tradeskills and gathering professions do you have at 350+? Do you have any rare recipes, tradeskill-related factions?
Tailoring(450) Skinning(450) i buy any recipies i dont already have anythime i see them and i have all the faction recipes from the litch King
12. If you have or had any other characters at level 70, please introduce them briefly, and give us a short history.
i got a 73 Huntard which im leveling to 80 atm
13. Why do you want to join Icicle?
I wanna Raid with a guild that knows what they are doing
14. Who do you know in Icicle, how do you know them?
15. Do you accept and follow all of our rules?
sure do
16. Are you willing and able to read and use our forums, as we require?
17. How is your latency on Spinebreaker? Do you ever lag or disconnect? Do you ever get crashes?
39ping i have a killer NIC card £200 keeps the pings low
18. How much control do you have over your playtimes? Can you sometimes stay up late? Can you arrange your dinner and other obligations before our raid times? Can you raid without interruptions?
if theres a raid dinner can wiat
19. Are you willing - and have the time to - to farm faction, resist gear and consumables as needed for our raids, outside our raiding times?
thats what i do
20. Do you have anything else to add to your apply?
Give me a chance and im sure you'll be happy i always help out the guild members with stuff and if i say im gonna be at a raid then i'll be there.
my pc is nice too
core i7(920)
12 gig ram 1800mhz
nvidia GTX 295
600 gig of raptors
24" montor