1.My name is Leon Bošnjak i'm from Croatia.I don't work yet.
2. Holidays are now so i can play all day if i want. But later one week i can play from 4:00pm and another week from 20:00 untill maybe 2:00am if i'm not tired too much.
3. I'm playing WoW alot. my played time on Lexon is 49days and 20 hrs.
4. My previous guild was Night Watch.I left for the reason my prepaid was expiring and i didnt have the money to buy another.And for a reason the guild was falling apart.Alot of slackers..etc.
5. I've raided naxx 10 and some bosses on 25 man. done OS 25 and 10,Voa 25 and 10, haven't downed Malygos.The guild never went.
6. Lvl 80 Tauren Warrior.(protection)
7. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Spinebreaker&n=Lexon
8. Well...a classic protection spec.
9. I would tank.
10. No resist gear.
11. none atm
12. I have an Orc DK above lvl 70.
13. I heard you are a really good guild and a friend from irl is in it aswell.
14. i know Kartuk IRL. and maybe some1 i'm forgeting.
15. Yes
16. Yes
17. No, except some monitor problems. will be fixed soon.
18. Yes i can raid for how long i want to.
19. Not much time for farming though.But if you ask me i'll do it.
20. not really
2. Holidays are now so i can play all day if i want. But later one week i can play from 4:00pm and another week from 20:00 untill maybe 2:00am if i'm not tired too much.
3. I'm playing WoW alot. my played time on Lexon is 49days and 20 hrs.
4. My previous guild was Night Watch.I left for the reason my prepaid was expiring and i didnt have the money to buy another.And for a reason the guild was falling apart.Alot of slackers..etc.
5. I've raided naxx 10 and some bosses on 25 man. done OS 25 and 10,Voa 25 and 10, haven't downed Malygos.The guild never went.
6. Lvl 80 Tauren Warrior.(protection)
7. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Spinebreaker&n=Lexon
8. Well...a classic protection spec.
9. I would tank.
10. No resist gear.
11. none atm
12. I have an Orc DK above lvl 70.
13. I heard you are a really good guild and a friend from irl is in it aswell.
14. i know Kartuk IRL. and maybe some1 i'm forgeting.
15. Yes
16. Yes
17. No, except some monitor problems. will be fixed soon.
18. Yes i can raid for how long i want to.
19. Not much time for farming though.But if you ask me i'll do it.
20. not really